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Mit Bitte um Veröffentlichung, International

Global Day to Break Israeli Siege!

>In response to and commemoration of the barbaric attack on the Freedom Flotilla earlier this week, the BDS National Committee is launching the Global Day to Break the Israeli Siege as an international day of action and protest in front of Israeli embassies and consulates around the world.

Please help us mark Saturday the 5th of June as the Global Day to Break the Israeli Siege by organizing protests on this day in your city in front of Israeli consulates and corporations and institutions tied to Apartheid Israel around the world. This call is not only to protest Israel’s barbaric attacks but also to cut all diplomatic ties, whether economic, political, acadamic or cultural, until Israel abides fully with international law and stops it’s crimes against all humanity.

We want this to be an internationally coordinated movement and therefore ask you to register your event on our website. Events are already scheduled in cities across the globe, including London, Toronto, San Francisco, and Barcelona!

>We stand today at an urgent and critical point in our global quest for justice and human rights. The brutal attack on activists aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, resulting in at least 19 deaths and tens of injuries, proves that Israel indiscriminately targets human rights advocates of all nationalities. We must not allow this massacre to pass quietly!

Please forward this call to all human rights activists and civil society groups and ask them to endorse it.

Keep up the pressure to lift the siege of Gaza,
GFM Team

Quelle Gaza Freedom March

Demotermin in Berlin

Nächste Demotermine in Berlin, ohne Gewähr

Freitag 18 Uhr am Roten Rathaus Berlin

Internationaler Protesttag

Samstag 16 Uhr Treffpunkt Gedächtniskirche Berlin

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